EPA Petition Comment Period Ticking to Wipe Out State, School, and Local Pesticide Regulations and Notifications
We need your help to protect all Americans from harmful agrochemicals.
It would be a dream come true for agrochemical giants such as German company Bayer/Monsanto, Chinese company Syngenta/ChemChina, and US-based Dow/Dupont to never face a lawsuit again for cancer, birth defects, nervous system damage or other harms from their products. Existing laws that thousands of our supporters worked tirelessly to get passed, such as organic priority landscaping around schools or homeowners associations, city and state-wide bans or restrictions on glyphosate, and even 24-hour notifications of spraying that most schools and counties must provide to residents who sign up for the alerts, would GO AWAY.
We cannot allow that to happen.
Lee masKennedy for Head of HHS Being in the DC Hearings - A Mom’s Perspective
I am sitting directly behind Cheryl Hines, Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s wife, and family. The moms, namely Vani Hari, her daughter, myself, Laura Bono, Megyn Kelly, and his sister Dr. Casey Means, had reserved seating for the camera shot. I feel deeply honored to represent all of our moms. The packed audience breaks out into applause when he enters the room. I am at the edge of my seat as Bobby begins to speak. He is clear, confident, humble, and gracious. In typical Bobby style, the first thing he does is acknowledge everyone. When he acknowledges “the MAHA Moms, many of which are sitting behind me today,” he says, I nearly cry. In those few words, I hear a symphony of acknowledgment.
Big Ag Wants the Same Immunity As Vaccine Companies
Bayer/Monsanto, Syngenta/ChemChina, and Dow/Dupont are Brainwashing our Senators to Present Bills to Prevent Cancer Lawsuits Against AgroChemical Companies.
Big Ag wants immunity from lawsuits. The rights of individuals, localities, and states to be able to sue agrochemical companies is critically at stake. The plot by Big Ag, via The ModernAgAlliance.org, to pass state-by-state bills, currently in seven states, North Dakota, Wyoming, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida - but we expect there will be bills in twenty one. In conversation with the American Association with Justice today, we learned that Bayer/Monsanto has just hired 20 agrochemical lobbyists to convince your Senators and Congressmembers that they should enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits, just like the vaccine companies. In other words, they should be able to produce pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and as long as the EPA gives them a license to do so (which does not establish safety for human exposure), then they could never be sued for cancer or other harmful impacts due to exposure to their products.
Lee masFeed Your Soil
A counter-narrative to the FDA’s GMO seven million dollar propaganda website resource page “Feed Your Mind.”
A collaborative effort by farmers, gardeners, and researchers to support you in regenerating your soil and growing nontoxic, nutrient-dense, safe food.
Lee masOpen Letter to US Senators
To The Elected Officials, Senators of the United States of America,
We, the Moms Across America non-profit organization, write to you to ask you to support the appointment of Robert F Kennedy Jr. as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, we hope you will acknowledge that health is not a partisan issue. Kennedy is highly credentialed as outlined in many letters from physicians and scientists. We are sending you a letter based on our experience working with RFK Jr over the past decade. We ask you to confirm Kennedy for the following reasons:
Lee masFood Dyes, Pesticides, Toxins, and Our Meeting with the FDA
By now you have likely heard that the FDA has banned Red Food Dye 3, which will take effect in 2 years in food and 3 years in ingested drugs. This is a great step in the right direction but it does beg the question: what about the other 41 synthetic dyes found in food and ingested drugs such as Red Food Dye 40, Yellow 5 and 6, Blue 1 and 2, and Green 3? According to Consumer Reports, after today’s ban, eight synthetic dyes are still approved for human consumption. Over 90% of candies, fruit-flavored snacks, and drink mixes contain one or more harmful ingredients. Without a doubt, all of these synthetic dyes have health concerns and should not be ingested.
From Henry Rowlands at The Detox Project:
Press release:
CONTACT: Ed Hayward
Office of University Communications
617-922-8024 (not for publication)
[email protected]
Consortium for Children’s Environmental Health scientists find few standards apply to the world’s 350,000 chemicals and chemical products
Chestnut Hill, Mass (01/08/2025) – Nations must start testing and regulating chemicals and chemical products as closely as the current systems that safeguard prescription drugs or risk rising rates of chronic illnesses among children, according to a New England Journal of Medicine report by a group of experts writing as the Consortium for Children’s Environmental Health.
Global chemical inventories contain an estimated 350,000 products – such as manufactured chemicals, chemical mixtures, and plastics. Despite the risks of environmental pollution and human exposure, the manufacture of synthetic chemicals and plastics is subject to insufficient legal or policy constraints. That regulatory vacuum must be replaced by new laws that prioritize health protection over the rampant production of chemicals and plastics, according to the co-authors, who include Boston College epidemiologist Philip Landrigan, MD, environmental law scholar David Wirth, biologist Thomas Chiles, and epidemiologist Kurt Straif. New paper here.
Lee masNo Cell, Bell-to-Bell in Schools
We have the best network. Everyday I get articles, posts and alerts about news and progress for our movement. I read them all. Today, one of our independent-thinking, Substack-writing supporters, Lauren Ayers, sent out a email asking:
Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies
Article by Michelle Perro, MD, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Zen Honeycutt BFA
Consumer groups, GMOScience, Moms Across America, and supporters have commissioned the testing of Girl Scout cookies for toxic metals and glyphosate/AMPA (an herbicide and its byproduct), to promote awareness and positive change for health. The results were extremely concerning.
- 100% of the samples were positive for glyphosate
- 100% were positive for toxic metals
- 22 out of 25 (88%) of samples were positive for all 5 toxic metals
- 76% were positive for levels of cadmium that exceed EPA limits in water
- 24 out of 25 (96%) of samples were positive for lead
Million Dollar Crop Loss, Rapid Aging, Obesity, Diabetes, and Brain Damage: The Tale of Three Studies on Glyphosate
Once a word that most reporters could not pronounce, “glyphosate” is now a common household word, with new studies popping up monthly on the harms of this ingredient that is the most widely used herbicide in the world.
A new report by Friends of the Earth shares that U.S. food retail sector faces $219 billion risk from pesticides. Three new studies show why this is happening.