Vaccines and Medical Treatments - Moms Across America

Vacunas y tratamientos médicos

The information you may be seeing in mainstream media versus on social media may be very confusing for you! Vaccines are a hot-button topic, one that many people feel very passionately about. Here are a few things to consider before you dive into the vaccine research:

  1. The general public people who promote vaccines want their children and the general public to be safe. We can all agree with that intention.

  2. The manufacturers that make and promote vaccines sell over 40 billion dollars worth of vaccines that are included in the CDC recommended vaccine schedule per year.

  3. The people who make vaccines are the ones the CDC, most doctors, and mainstream media listen to.

  4. According to a review in 2000, the members of the CDC board own over 28 vaccine patents, therefore financially benefiting from the sale of vaccines.

  5. The intention of vaccines is distinct from the results. Meaning what they want to achieve is not necessarily what is happening.

We encourage you to read our statement on vaccines here.

In addition, our moms have gathered some links for you to consider, specifically about the first vaccines and medical treatments. We appreciate god intentions, we also research, seek out the science, data, and real-life results.

Hep B Hepatitis B: The Untold Story - The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) maintains that federal and state public health officials are promoting forced vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine without truthfully informing the public about the risks of hepatitis B disease in America or the known and unknown risks of hepatitis B vaccine.

The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears, 2019 edition - The Vaccine Book offers parents a fair, impartial, fact-based resource from the most trusted name in pediatrics. Dr. Bob devotes each chapter in the book to a disease/vaccine pair and offers a comprehensive discussion of what the disease is, how common or rare it is, how serious or harmless it is, the ingredients of the vaccine, and any possible side effects from the vaccine.

Vitamin K injection article here -  The big thing about manufactured vitamin K is that it contains benzyl alcohol—9 milligrams (mg) of benzyl alcohol.3 So doctors are injecting these babies, who are minutes old, with a shot that contains alcohol that targets their liver, the organ which is necessary for them to detoxify. One of the acknowledged side effects of synthetic vitamin K shots, along with shock and cardiac or respiratory distress, is—you guessed it—jaundice.

Polysorbate 80 is also listed as a preservative in the Vitamin K injection. It is used as an emulsifier or defoamer in foods, vitamins, medicines, and vaccines. Polysorbate 80 has been found to cause adverse effects to the reproductive system, be carcinogenic, and cause skin irritation in animals. Human mothers report behavioral reaction in children, especially after taking Miralax, which contain Polysorbate 80.

Erythromycin eye ointment - Erythromycin Eye Ointment is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections of the eyes. It is given to babies to help prevent untreated sexually transmitted diseases in the parents, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, from causing blindness. All pregnant women are screened for these diseases at the beginning of their pregnancy. Erythromycin is a broad-spectrum type of antibiotic effective in killing many types of bacteria in adults as well as children. We have a concern regarding the overuse of antibiotics. Please talk with your holistic naturopathic, functional medical, or integrative doctor. 

Circumcision - We recommend researching the risks of circumcision before partaking in this traditional surgery.

A website with a strong stance against circumcision- click here.

A Pros and Cons article on circumcision - click here.

Billi-light Blue light for jaundice - If your baby receives the Vitamin K shot, the chances of developing jaundice are increased. If this happens, your baby's skin and eyes will appear yellowish. It is important to seek treatment. The doctor will recommend Bili-Lights. Information about billi-lights here.

Delayed cord clamping - Delayed cord clamping has massive benefits, almost no risks, and improves a baby’s wellbeing for life. Here’s how to ask for it, plus all the reasons why.

Article from MamaNatural here.



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  • Zen honeycutt
    publicó esta página en Futuras mamás 2021-05-07 13:22:21 -0400

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