Mapa libre de toxinas - Mamás en todo Estados Unidos

Mapa libre de toxinas

¿Es la asociación de propietarios de vivienda, escuela, ciudad, universidad o condado una zona libre de toxinas?

¿Han dejado de usar Roundup y otros químicos tóxicos?

¡Obtenga su zona libre de toxinas en el mapa!

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Click here to see the global map and let us know about your area.

Email [email protected] the name of the area, zip code, and the details of the pesticide restrictions and date if possible. 

Por ejemplo: Del Cerro Elementary, Mission Viejo, 92691 descontinuó el uso de todos los pesticidas y herbicidas noviembre 2012.


UPDATE: In August of 2018, school pesticide applicator Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, who is dying of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, was awarded 289.2 million dollars from Monsanto by a California Supreme Court jury. Monsanto was found guilty of acting with "malice and oppression," meaning they knew their glyphosate products could cause cancer and the company executives suppressed the information. As of septiembre 2018, over 8,000 more Roundup users are filing lawsuits against Monsanto.

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