Sin glifosato - Mamás en todo Estados Unidos

Compras gratuitas de glifosato

We at Moms Across America know it’s discouraging to learn about high levels of toxins in conventional foods and organic too.The enormity of contamination in much of the food supply feels daunting. Much of our rain, air, irrigation systems, and soil are indeed polluted.  However, organic selections are still the best path to managing exposure. 

We have reviewed thousands of test results, and we can state with confidence that across the board, except for highly processed foods like protein powders (where fraudulently labeled lentils and peas were clearly the culprit), organic foods, even if contaminated with glyphosate for instance, had levels thousands of times lower than their conventional counterparts.

When we shop, we simply do the best we can. It used to be enough just to be concerned about glyphosate and GMOs in our food. But today, there are hundreds of other harmful pesticides that chemical companies have developed that are now being used on our food. At Moms Across America, we have always insisted on total transparency and have been a pioneer in eliminating toxins from the food supply, initiating the very first glyphosate testing project in America in 2013. One of our major goals is to have more glyphosate-free, nontoxic products that you can trust available in the marketplace.

We recommend certifications such as Glyphosate Residue-Free Certified (tested for glyphosate), USDA Organic (does not allow GMOs or glyphosate/toxic pesticides, but is not regularly tested), and Non-GMO Project Verified (tested for GMOs but not for glyphosate) and the others listed below as tools that help people to avoid glyphosate - but we think you deserve more. You deserve nutrient-dense food. You want to buy the most healthy food available for your family. We know that you want to take a stand with your purchasing dollars by only purchasing foods that are healthy for people and the planet and represent ethical business practices.

The best way to do that is to purchase regeneratively grown organic or Biodynamic food - Demeter-certified- as much as possible. Regeneratively grown organic and biodynamic food does not utilize deep tilling and agrochemicals, therefore, can be expected to have higher nutrient density because of the undisturbed, higher organic matter and nontoxic state of the soil. Nutrient-dense, healthy food comes from nutrient-dense healthy soil (not soil sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers from mono-crop farming.) We are what we eat, and therefore we are what our soil is too.


So when you shop, look for the certifications below, read the labels, and vote with your wallet for healthy, safe food. Try not to get overwhelmed; transition to brands that meet your budget and preference a little at a time if you need to start with the foods that you eat the most of, the most often. Start with foods made from grains, chickpeas, beans, lentils, fruit, and vegetables, as they contain the highest toxic chemicals.

Together we can shift the marketplace for a healthier future for us all!

Other labels

HEALTHY TRADITIONS organic foods are batch-tested for glyphosate. Can be bought online. Worth every penny.

CCOF   (Agricultores orgánicos certificados de California)

CCOF is a nonprofit organization that advances organic agriculture for a healthy world through organic certification, education, advocacy, and promotion. We envision a world where organic is the norm.

OREGON TILTH foods are 5% pesticide-tested- but only rarely is the more expensive single glyphosate test used.

GLYPHOSATE-FREE CERTIFIED -This new certification is barely on the market, -will retest foods annually.

LIBRE DE RESIDUOS DE GLIFOSATO - el Proyecto Detox. La certificación Libre de Residuos de Glifosato verifica que los productos alimenticios y suplementos no contienen el herbicida más utilizado en el mundo. El glifosato es un "carcinógeno humano probable" según la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer.



BIODYNAMIC/DEMETER  bee-friendly (uses no pesticides) emphasizing gentle, natural soil regeneration and seed development, with minimal outside additives, and restoration of natural systems and life of the soil. Not glyphosate tested.

CERTIFIED NATURALLY GROWN SEAL bee-friendly; simple for farmers to transition to, and manure used may not be from animals fed GE feed.  Not glyphosate tested.

USDA ORGÁNICO    Las pautas para las fuentes de fertilizantes no están claras, por lo que los fertilizantes de animales pueden contener pesticidas: se permiten pesticidas 'naturales'.   " Los estiércol de los sistemas convencionales están permitidos en la producción orgánica, incluido el estiércol del ganado cultivado en confinamiento y de aquellos que han sido alimentados con alimentos transgénicos ”.   

There are organic growers with integrityso know your grower, buy local.
Not glyphosate-tested but does not allow glyphosate, toxic herbicides or GMOs.

The Real Organic Project

The Real Organic Project is a farmer-led movement created to distinguish soil-grown and pasture-raised products under USDA organic. In response to the lack of enforcement of some vital USDA Organic standards to protect soil health and animal welfare, organic farmers rallied together to fight to protect the integrity of the organic label. Not glyphosate tested. Does not allow GMOs.

CRECIENDO TU PROPIO -   asegura que sabes   que hay en tu comida  
(¡Tan bueno como se pone!) Guarde sus propias semillas o compre productos biodinámicos u orgánicos. los Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company tiene el El catálogo de semillas gratis más grande del mundo. ¡Apoyan a las mamás en todo Estados Unidos y son personas maravillosas!


Mostrando 9 reacciones

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  • Becky Schmitt
    comentado 2023-08-11 14:48:59 -0400
  • Carlo Petrillo
    comentado 2023-08-11 13:17:32 -0400
    Avenger Weed Killer is the best product. 0% glyphosate, made with d-limonene. Again, it’s the best product for killing weeds
  • Alexistori gonzalez
    comentado 2020-04-21 15:21:11 -0400
    Deja de vender ronda para que la gente se enferme, por favor. Cierra la ronda
  • Todd honeycutt
    comentado 2019-06-02 12:56:29 -0400
    Barb: desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los alimentos, incluso los certificados orgánicos, tienen algún rastro de glifosato debido a la deriva y la escorrentía. Es por eso que estamos presionando para una prohibición completa de las cosas y alentando a todos a exigir alimentos más limpios. Mientras tanto, puede protegerse utilizando productos como Restaurar, que niegan los efectos del glifosato en su cuerpo.
  • Debby Ryan
    @ chckch372 enlace tuiteado a esta página. 2019-02-25 09:30:26 -0500
  • Joeni pou
    comentado 2018-06-24 20:46:54 -0400
    Rezo para que la gente se despierte y comience a boicotear estas cosas y a cultivar su propia comida. Hay un aumento dramático en los trastornos autoinmunes, cánceres, alergias, respuestas inflamatorias, etc. Demasiadas personas están enfermas y muriendo.
  • Todd honeycutt
    comentado 2018-01-26 14:53:31 -0500
    Judy: hay varias cosas que Moms Across America ofrece que puedes usar. Primero, visite nuestra Tienda de soluciones de salud para ver productos como Restauración y Desintoxicación primaria que pueden ayudarlo a protegerlo a usted y a su familia. En segundo lugar, puede imprimir o enviar esta página por correo electrónico a sus vecinos y pedirles que dejen de pulverizar. Nuestra tienda también tiene volantes para exactamente este propósito. En cuanto a los alimentos orgánicos, tendrá que confiar en las entregas de alimentos orgánicos y su mejor apuesta es USDA Certificado orgánico. ¡Espero que esto ayude!
  • Piedad
    seguido esta página 2016-08-31 13:18:27 -0400
  • Ellie kirchner
    comentado 2015-11-29 15:23:05 -0500
    Sellos alimenticios, incluido el glifosato probado, y lo que significan ... ¡familiarícense con ellos aquí!

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